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合作伙伴 Case
Case 芯片&技術
Case 芯片&技術
說明: 云南廣電網絡集團有限公司是經省委、省政府批準于2009年12月掛牌成立的省屬國有重要骨干企業,是我省唯一經營、管理、建設全省有線電視網絡的多媒體綜合信息服務運營商,是全省數字電視產業的市場運營主體。
說明: 浙江廣播電視集團成立于2001年11月8日,由浙江電臺、浙江電視臺及相關企事業單位組建而成,是省委、省政府直屬的新聞宣傳單位。現有員工7000多人。集團擁有20個廣播電視頻道。其中電視頻道12個,浙江衛視為衛星頻道;錢江都市、經濟生活、教育科技、影視娛樂、民生休閑、公共?新聞、少兒頻道為地面頻道;國際頻道為境外落地頻道;留學世界、數碼時代和好易購分別是數字付費和家庭購物頻道。廣播頻道8個,分別是浙江之聲、經濟頻道、音樂調頻、民生資訊、交通之聲、城市之聲、旅游之聲和浙江新聞廣播。每天播出廣播電視節目450多個小時。
案例名稱: 中國聯通
說明: 中國聯合網絡通信集團有限公司(簡稱“中國聯通”)于2009年1月6日在原中國網通和原中國聯通的基礎上合并組建而成,在國內31個省(自治區、直轄市)和境外多個國家和地區設有分支機構,是中國唯一一家在紐約、香港、上海三地同時上市的電信運營企業,連續多年入選“世界500強企業”。
案例名稱: Viaccess
說明: Viaccess-Orca is a visionary partner for content service providers worldwide, thanks to its ability to shape the ultimate content experience wherever viewers are and on whatever device they choose to consume content.With integrated products and innovative, business savvy solutions, Viaccess-Orca helps content service providers gain a competitive edge in this market of unmanaged networks and IP-connected devices. Since the user experience (UX) is a critical success factor for operators today, Viaccess-Orca’s solutions focus on delivering engaging experiences on all platforms for a new entertainment world. The company assists service providers in creating long term loyalty on the customer journey to discover, choose and consume content in a secure manner. Viaccess-Orca is part of the Orange ...
案例名稱: Nagra
說明: The Nagra Kudelski Group is a world leader in digital security and convergent media solutions for the delivery of digital and interactive content.Its technologies are used in a wide range of services and applications requiring access control and rights management to secure the revenue of content owners and service providers for digital television and interactive applications across broadcast, broadband and mobile delivery networks.The Group also offers managed cyber security services, subscription-based solutions and consulting capabilities to organizations in private and public sectors.
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